An easy way to send your friends & family digital gifts
using the PayByFace Consumer eWallet app.

Create A Free Account

Signing up is easy! Just download and install the PayByFace Consumer eWallet app available on both iOS and Android, register your account and instantly start sending and receiving FaceKoins that you can redeem at participating merchants around town!

What are FaceKoins?

FaceKoins are sort of like your sky miles or loyalty points. It's not real money (yet) but our plan is to launch our own cryptocurrency symbol "FCKN" eventually. Because it's effin' awesome.

How do I collect FaceKoins?

There are only 3 ways to acquire FaceKoins:

  • As instant cashback rewards when you "pay by face".
  • As a gift from another PayByFace account.
  • Issued for owning PayByFace clothing & accessories.
  • Let's take payments beyond the transaction.

    Imagine if your face was truly your "money maker". Well, that's basically what happens here...with PayByFace FaceKoins you gain EXCLUSIVE VIP access to worldwide special events, free product promotions and unique shopping experiences which are unlocked & redeemed only with FaceKoin.

    Instant Rewards

    For example, you can use your FaceKoins to buy a cup of coffee or tickets to a concert.

    Biometric Security

    FaceKoins are connected to your face. You never leave home without your face do you?.

    VIP Privileges

    Shopping with FaceKoins lifts your experience to another level, the VIP level.

    Affiliate Incentives

    If you refer your friends & family, you get even more special incentives!

    Get in touch

    We love feedback. Good or bad, let us know. That's how we become better.